Meet Pete. Pete is family and a very dear friend. You would have to spend time with Pete and I to really appreciate how different our personalities are, but how well we also feed off of each other and have a great time together. We also share a love of Virginia wine, so where better to meet and do head shots, but Mediterranean Vineyards. There you would find Pete appreciating the "brightness" and all of the fancy things about wine, while I just think it's yum and think that some of them may perhaps smell like a Christmas tree.
Pete is an incredible writer. Here is a link to a recent story of his that was published - Recently he was asked for a head shot to put with a story that he's written and he discovered that he didn't have anything that seemed "author worthy". Okay, those were my words, not his ;).
Thanks Pete, as always, for the good times over a few glasses of my favorite wine! If you've not been to Mediterranean Vineyards in Warrenton Virginia, it's a must. Gorgeous views, wonderful family owned Vineyard and some of my favorite wine.
Yep, they're fun peeps! I've had the pleasure of knowing this family for quite a while and grew up with the only male in their house...... oh wait, I think the dogs might be male, but at any rate I've known him a long time! We went to grade school together and spent a lot of time hanging out in high school. He was truly like a brother to me. What I SHOULD do is share pictures from when we were growing up - THAT would be entertaining!
His gorgeous wife and girls are such a blast to hang out with too. We've been able to do some camping together and love every minute of it! So in the spirit of catching up with old pictures and spotlighting a FB fan........ here ya' go!
Wow, are they gorgeous or what?
The cute little calf behind them was cracking us up. I think he was smiling.
I thought, maybe I'll just slip back into the blog.. YEARS later and just pretend like I was never gone. I knew you were all too smart for that, so here I am announcing the new and improved blog. I debated getting rid of all of the old posts and start new, but decided that I really like some of the old stuff so I left it as is.
You see, I really didn't like the fact that the pictures on blogger were so tiny, so the posts were just sort of blah for me. I thought maybe I'd go with a different blog company, but really wanted to make this work. As you see, I've found a way to make the images large on blogger and I'm beyond happy! I'm also working on a fun new blog header too. So for now, I'll stick with blogger.
I have a lot of images that I need to show you and have a fun new fan page on Facebook ( so please feel free to join me there. I've been very busy with sessions and look forward to communicating with you a little more frequently. Here's to a happy and productive 2010!!
Ahhhhhh. High School, senior year. That feeling of having the world at your fingertips... starting fresh.
I had the pleasure of photographing this talented young man that we attend church with. To say he loves music is probably an understatement so it only made sense that his Senior Portraits be musically related. The location and weather were awesome and we had a great time. Good luck with all that you do in life TJ! I'd say with your talent, you have much to offer this world!
In this business, I'm truly blessed. Blessed with many unique opportunities, blessed to meet some awesome folks and adorable kids. I so love what I do. So, I get a phone call a few weeks back "Hi Tammy, I love your work and wondered if you could photograph my wedding ..... in a week? (insert giggle here)". I couldn't resist her charm and sweet spirit and it just so happened that morning was actually available. It just seemed like fate.
This couple has such a great story. They met many years ago through their little girls, and now many years later have found one another again and are now married. I, and the gentleman who married them, were honored to be the only guests at the wedding. They are such an adorable couple, so in love and so very much fun. Thank you guys so much for choosing me to attend and photograph your special day. I feel truly blessed to have been a part of it AND fortunate that the cow didn't actually GET us ;).
So, here are a few teasers for you (I haven't done that in a while). I can't wait for you to see the rest =). Congratulations guys!
This isn't typically how I would crop an image like this, but couldn't resist the kissing dogs in the foreground ;)
Marilyn has a great eye for photography and spotted this shot herself.
A great opportunity to spend some family time at a beautiful park and have some portraits taken of your children or family. We only have two dates available at this time, but hopefully more will be added throughout the summer.
First available date Location - Sky Meadows State Park in Deleplane Virginia Date - Sunday, June 8th Time - 4:00pm / 4:45pm / 5:30pm / 6:15pm Time slots will be filled as I get emails or calls so if you have a specific time that you need, please contact me asap because these go quickly.
Second available date Location - Sky Meadows State Park in Deleplane Virginia Date - June 4th Times - 9:15am / 10:00am / 10:45 Time slots will be filled as I get emails or calls so please contact me asap if there's a specific time that you need.
*Mini Session will last 30 minutes *Sitting fee is $50.00 and due at the time that you make the appointment *If you order within 4 days of the time your images go online, you will receive a free sheet of 8 wallet images *If there is inclimate weather we can find another time slot that will be suitable for you as the sitting fee is nonrefundable but a reschedule is guaranteed. *All images will be put in an online gallery within two weeks of session time. Feel free to forward this onto family and friends to view *A slideshow of images to music is available at an additional fee. *15-20 images guaranteed, but there are typially more.
*Would be a great belated fathers day gift *Would also be a good opportunity to have some portraits taken of the kids with their grandparents. *This wouldn't be enough time for a senior or large family sessions. Those would need to be a full sessions, but could still be at Sky Meadows.
Please email me at jeffandtammymac or call me at 540.364.4303 to guarantee your spot.
I just realized that I never shared some really fun sessions with you guys from last fall. Our lives turned into chaos right after a busy fall season so I never got to share. I'll gradually start to share before starting into Spring Stuff.
This is an event that I photographed at The Marriott Ranch for a local wedding reception after a destination wedding. Such a stunning place. You really should visit it, if you haven't.
Just wanted to share a few that I took of a wedding that I did for our niece. I'll consider doing weddings for second marriages or possibly for someone who wouldn't be able to have a photographer otherwise, but it's just not my thing =)
Isn't this classic? I love this one.
My men! One giving the bride (his niece) away and the other as the ring bearer.
Come on, admit it! You're singing the song, aren't you? You'll be singing it all day. You can thank me later ;).
This is just a little "get to know me" session. Just thought I'd share a "few" of the things or products that I love.
1) Magic Erasers! If you HAVEN'T tried these - run, don't walk, to the store immediately. One of my BF's wen't on and on about how great these were and I thought for sure she had lost her mind or owned stock in the company. Well now I TOTALLY get it. Love these things!
2) Clean! I love the scent of clean. Not the "it smells like someone stuffed a dryer sheet up my nose clean" but nice subtle clean. My FAVORITE thing in the realm of clean is "clean sheets". Truly if I were rich I'd pay someone to wash my sheets every day so I could have that new sheet feeling every night. Ahhhhhhh!
3) Photography. I know, duh! But other than just portraits I also love taking landscapes and flowers and little details of life that we sometimes overlook. It just helps me to really look at the world instead of blowing by with blinders on. Today, I challenge you to pick up your camera and head out to see what interesting little thing that you can find to photograph.
4) The Outer Banks. Judging by the millions of OBX stickers on vehicles I'll assume that most of you know what I'm talking about. There are still parts of the OBX that are just the way they were when I was a little girl. The weathered grey houses on stilts and the cool little shops on beach road. I just love that place! I'm there "almost" every summer so if you're ever interested in a beach session, please give me a call and we'll see if we can work something out.
5) Camping!! Most of you know that we spend a lot of time camping in the summer. Not "roughing it", but in a 5th wheel camper =). Camping to me means driving all the luxuries of home and parking it in nature - ha. No, but I love the people that you meet camping, hanging out by the campfire with friends and enjoying the time as a family. If any of you camp, let me know and maybe we can hook up for a trip! =). Here's a shot from a train trip that we took on the rainy camping trip to Gettysburg a few weeks ago. We DID have about a minute of sunshine long enough for me to take this picture.
6) TV reality - Okay, I admit it, I'm addicted. I think I need an intervention. I don't watch much TV, but never miss an opportunity to watch American Idol. Soooo..... who do you think is going to win? Little David or Sultry David? I'm going with Cook because he's been my fav from the beginning!
When I knew that he had to do a Moriah Carey song, I was all "Oh for the love of Tivo" how on EARTH is he going to pull this one off?? Well he did and with flying colors!!!
That's right. I celebrated a birthday this past weekend. I am now 28.....errr, I mean 38. A girl can dream, right? It was a wonderful weekend with one of my best friends planning the perfect girls day on Saturday and spending the day Sunday with family. On Saturday we vistited a few local wineries and Vintage Ridge, a new Vineyard in Rectortown Virginia, was probably the biggest hit of the day. They were so sweet to us and the wine there is very yummy. My favorite part was the overall atmosphere. In the tasting room there are tables and the wall opens up to a stunning view of the Virginia countryside. If you enjoy wine and vineyards, this one is a must.
My very best girlfriends. I see so many wonderful phases of my life sitting here - from a new friend from church to one of my BF since the 5th grade (who planned this awesome day), another BF since birth, my two sister in laws and a very dear friend of about 12 years. It was a wonderfully relaxing day with my girls.
Any excuse to wear a pink boa tiarra, right? I know it may come as shock to many of you that I didn't have that laying around the house. It was a gift along with the super cool birthday wine glass (seen to the right of me).
Thanks Paula and the rest of my girls for an awesome day!
You've got some "splainin'" to do. Okay, as always, I'll admit that I'm the worst blogger ever. Yes, ever. From Thanksgiving to mid January were very hectic with the tree falling on our house, out of town visitors and my husband's shoulder surgery. That then wen't into getting geared up for a busy Spring with outdoor sessions, as well as being in charge of my church's VBS for this year. So, I'm sorry that I've neglected my blog and I realize that I've got a lot of catching up to do =).
Are these not the brightest blue eyes ever? We intended on doing a newborn shoot with Rhys but these ended up being more of a 3ish month shoot. He was such a trooper and really seemed to be taking it all in. What a sweet boy and such a great family. Thanks guys and I look forward to seeing you guys again.